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Cell: 647-836-5724

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Frequently asked questions

Are your mediation services confidential and secure?

Yes! To create a safe, fair, and neutral environment, I only offer closed mediation services. This means that everything that is discussed during mediation sessions is private and confidential within the limits of the law. 

Is the mediation agreement we reach legally binding in Ontario?

Once you have reached an agreement you can both agree on, it must be reviewed and signed by a lawyer to be legally binding.

Why should we choose mediation over divorce lawyers in Ontario?

Mediation is a much quicker process: A traditional Ontario divorce can take up to several years to finalize, especially if litigation is involved. If you’re both committed to the process, your mediation can be complete in a matter of weeks.

Mediation puts both of you in control: You both get to decide the outcome of your separation. A judge, on the other hand, has limited time and little context surrounding your situation so his or her decisions might not be in your best interests. With mediation, you can make choices that work for everyone.

Mediation promotes healthy communication: A mediator gives you the tools you need to communicate with your former partner in constructive ways. We provide a safe, judgement-free virtual space to discuss and resolve issues together.